I have a great excuse as to why I havent updated in a while.
1. I dont have alot to update about.
2. My dumb neighbor kicked us off his internet.
The funny thing about #2 is that he tried being "sneaky" about it. Um hello were neighbors, im going to see you eventually. Its not like I havent noticed that we cant get on the internet anymore. So thank you for that downstairs Nate. We appreciate it. Pause not.
Well October has come and gone. Halloween was sorta fun. Im not a big Halloween person. I always say Im going to plan some awesome costume, but when the time comes I decide I dont want to. Then on Halloween I decide I do want to dress up. So this year was the same as always. I went looking at like 3 on Halloween day for a costume. Me and Adam went down to 4th ave. and it was packed to say the least. I ended up with a little boys "pirate" costume from Wally world. It looked like anything but a pirate, but I dealt with it. I went to the institute dance for a while and then we went back to Chris's house and watched a movie. It was a good night.
November has FLOWN by. The scariest thing happened though, after work one day Adam and Chris called me to see if I wanted to go to a movie. So I met them at Chris's house and we went to the movies, then we decided to go down to university ave. for the pep rally, and then we went back to his house and watched another movie. While we were watching it the motion light outside his house came on so I was looking at the window because I didn't think anyone else was coming. And as im watching it I see a figure walk by and kinda lean over right by his car so I hit Chris and was like Chris someones outside!! So he jumped up and grabbed his gun (he's a cop) and opened the door and he was like "hey bro what the heck are you doing?" And then he took off. I was freaked out and we went outside and Chris had chased some guy down the alley but he got away. But Chris said he was at my car door and was trying to open the door! I was like what the heck! I'm glad the didn't break in, not that they would have gotten anything good out of it but nontheless it would have been a pain. Then to top it all off, Chris's house got broken into on Friday. The whole thing is scary to me, I dont think I could sleep there after something like that...if it were my house. But they stole his tv, laptop, and then a bunch of his guns.
After that whole deal we went down the Rocky Point with the McCowns. It was fun like always, it was nice to get away from work and everything for the weekend.
This last Thursday/Friday at midnight, guess what I was doing. Ding ding, me and Cait were at the New Moon premiere. Haters get lost. I LOVED every single minute of it. I will definitely be seeing it again, possibly again after that. I highly recommend it. I didnt like the first one when I saw it, but this one was bomb the whole way through. Me and Cait were there sporting our team Jacob shirts, let me tell you him alone is worth watching the movie for. He is awesome and made me love him more than ever!!
Other than that not a whole lots going on. I cant believe Thanksgiving is next week and then Christmas is a few weeks later, this last few months has just flown.
Slow Start
1 week ago
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