This semester is finally over. I cant believe how fast it went by. This last semester has definatly been my favorite so far though I think. I loved my roomates and I dont think I have ever laughed more than I have in the last few months. Me, Jackie, Julie and Missy got along really well and did everything together. We were lucky enough to have 4 girls who rarely got sick of eachother, although we had our times they were limited. The last few weeks were really fun. Again we waited till the very end to make new friends and actually hang out, but it was really fun. We lost our beloved Taylor. He was like our 7th roomate. He was constantly at our house and although we hated him a good 50% of the time, it wouldnt have been nearly as much fun without him.
(Taylor drew himself in our picture...)
The weekend before finals we went to California for the weekend to pick up Missy's dads FJ Cruiser so she could get all her stuff back home. We went to Laguna Beach that night and went looking for "LC's house". Missy and Julie were sick the whole time so it wasnt to fun for them. Me and Jackie made it all the way home after sharing beds with them and spending a good 2 days in the car with them without getting sick. We were so proud. Monday night after we got back I felt it coming on. That night we decided to burn our couch. It was deemed the scorpion couch after Jackie was bit by a scorp and had to be rushed to the ER. True story I might add. It was a good time, the turnout was better than expected although we didnt really know any of the people that came.
I dont know if I ever talked about our neighbors. They were hard core rednecks. But we liked them, they were very helpful with whatever we needed. There were 3 of them in the beginning but they had a few friends move in over the year. They were often found in the front yard drinking with their friends tryin to talk to us girls. They were a good time. They gave us some fireworks one night and Jackie had a ball with them. She got way more than anyone else.
Finals went well. I think. My english class was my favorite. Our teacher was in the high council and has got to be one of the funniest weirdest people I've ever met. Me Jackie and Missy all had that class together and I think we were definatly his favorite. Jackie found out he had a son going to school there so she always joked that she was going to date him so she could get an A. So one day in class I told him that Jackie liked his son and although he made fun of it alot Im pretty sure he liked the idea of it. He would always talk about it. And then the night of our final when Jackie handed in her paper, he wrote down his sons number and gave it to her. It was so funny!Since I've been home Ive come to realize how nasty we must have smelled. Our apartment smelt like a nasty motel room and it didnt seem to bad after a little while. I guess we just grew accoustomed to it because when I got home the smell made me so sick. My truck smells like smokey hooker and so do all my clothes. I just hope it wasnt that bad at school. No wonder we didnt have friends lol.
Its good to be gone but at the same time my life is so much more boring. I miss all the girls and all our jokes. Its hard to bring Beau and Bailey in on my jokes since most of them dont make sense to other people and their not "age appropriate". Although they were saying DWAM today. My mom didnt like that one to much...
Well like I said we had some good times and I cant wait to have some more.
Ahh Danni I miss you!! This semester was my favorite too! haha ya know outta my 2 there;) But for real where are you going to go next semester?? Im freaking out! Its not gonna be the same without jack and miss, but I dont really wanna do the whole transfer credit thing either. Call me so we can discuss this!
Love you!
Ghetto Julie:) hahah
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