Well...I dont know what to say. Not alot has happened. My life is pretty boring right now. Things in the boy department are LAME. Guy is now dating some girl. Its all good though. Actually it sucks. But ill live. Other than that my life is lame. Last week was spring break here and EVERYONE left except me and Lacey. So we took up the sport of longboarding and let me tell you we are now PRO and its my new favorite thing everr. I love longboarding. We only crashed once and when I say we I mean Lacey only crashed once and it was pretty hard core. Her leg bled quiet a bit and I laughed really hard. She hit a perfectly round rock and flew off. It was the funniest thing ever. Other than that not alot like I said. I dyed my hair back a little while ago. Its got blonde back in it and I like it. Im going to put more into it just in a bit. I guess Ill write again some other time when I have something cool to say. When something actually happens. So...ADIOS!
Slow Start
1 week ago